Pete Wallis
By the Author
What Does Consent Really Mean?
"Consent is not the absence of 'NO', it is an enthusiastic YES!!" While seemingly straightforward, Tia and Bryony hadn't considered this subject too seriously until…
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What are you staring at?
Designed for use in schools, this comic teaches children about restorative justice through the story of Jake and Ryan. After a misunderstanding between Jake and…
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Talking Consent
This book provides teachers and parents with the 'need-to-knows' to educate groups of young people about consent, pornography, sexting and many other related topics, as…
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Why Me?
The experience of victimization often leaves a child or young person frightened, lacking in confidence, or emotionally vulnerable and they can turn to crime in…
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Are You Okay?
How do you spot the signs that a young person has been victimised? What do you do if you are approached by a young person…
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What Have I Done?
Victim awareness and the needs of victims of crime are a major societal concern. What Have I Done? is a photocopiable resource and downloadable online…
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The Pocket Guide to Restorative Justice
This pocket-sized guide can be taken conveniently to meetings, interviews and visits, to be used as a quick reference point for information about the practical…